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Reflecting on TLNOG’s Inaugural Event

Building a Connected Future: Reflecting on TLNOG’s Inaugural Event Group photos of workshop participants with trainer and the committee members on the last day of the workshop. In the fast-evolving digital landscape of Timor-Leste, the importance of robust network operations cannot be overstated. Recognizing this need, the Timor-Leste Network Operators'...

TLNOG Discussion I

The first TLNOG discussion commenced as an initiative by a senior colleague from PHNOG, Mrs. Sheryl Hermoso, who proactively sent out invitations for the discussion via email. Consequently, the discussion took place through a Zoom meeting on April 17, 2024. Following this initial meeting, we concurred that the local Internet...

TLnog Discussion II

We had about 14 participants for the discussion on TLnog with several updates and some proposals beening shared aiming to organise a TLNOG mini event later this year. Network Operator Groups (NOGs) are informal forums that bring together network operators, network engineers and other technical professionals to discuss matters relating...