Building a Connected Future: Reflecting on TLNOG’s Inaugural Event

Group photos of workshop participants with trainer and the committee members on the last day of the workshop.

In the fast-evolving digital landscape of Timor-Leste, the importance of robust network operations cannot be overstated. Recognizing this need, the Timor-Leste Network Operators’ Group (TLNOG) was established as a pivotal initiative to advance our nation’s digital infrastructure. With a strong foundation rooted in partnership with APNIC, TLNOG is more than just a group, it’s a community, a movement, and a vision for the future. This vision took a significant step forward with the launch of our first event, aptly named TLNOG1.

A Journey of Dedication and Collaboration

The journey to our inaugural event ‘TLNOG1‘, a three-day workshop titled “Internet Routing for Beginners” began with an ambitious vision and the collective effort of a dedicated team. Under the leadership of the Chair Committee, Mr. Jose Lou Dias, and Co-Chair Committee, Mr. Jemris Yeros, TLNOG set out to create a platform that would empower network professionals across Timor-Leste.

Over the course of four intense months, our committee members poured their hearts and souls into making this event a reality. Countless discussions took place, both online through Zoom and in face-to-face meetings, each one focused on ensuring that our first major event, TLNOG1, would be nothing short of successful. Their tireless efforts, fueled by a shared passion for improving network operations, are a testament to what can be achieved when people come together for a common goal.

Gratitude to Our Partners and Supporters

We would be remiss if we did not acknowledge the crucial role played by our partners and supporters. A special mention goes to Mrs. Shane Hermoso from APNIC (and many others), whose unwavering commitment was instrumental in bringing this event to life. Her support and guidance were vital in navigating the complexities of organizing our first event, and for that, we are deeply grateful.

Our Platinum Sponsors (APNIC, RedStar Global, and Metrolink), provided the substantial backing needed to bring our vision to fruition. We also received invaluable support from our Gold Sponsors (Packet Clearing House (PCH) and Sacomtel), Silver Sponsors (Timor Telecom) and Bronze Sponsors (Gardamor). Additionally, our partners, including the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications and Timor Telecom, offered their support and collaboration, further cementing the success of this event.

Setting the Stage for the Future: The Workshop Experience

The centerpiece of our inaugural event ‘TLNOG1‘ was a workshop focused on “Internet Routing for Beginners” expertly led by Mr. Awal Haolader from APNIC. Over the course of three days, participants delved into the fundamentals of Internet routing, with a specific emphasis on Cisco systems. The hands-on practice labs provided a practical learning experience, ensuring that participants walked away with a solid foundation in this critical area.

Mr. Awal Haolader, the instructor from APNIC, is teaching the course to participants on the workshop day.

This workshop was more than just a learning opportunity, it was the realization of our broader mission: to create a sustainable and thriving community of network operators in Timor-Leste. By bringing together network professionals, experts, and enthusiasts, TLNOG aims to foster a culture of knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and continuous learning.

On the last day of the event, August 22, 2024, we held our conference day, which served as a platform for in-depth discussions on the future of network operations in Timor-Leste. This day brought together experts and participants to explore challenges, share insights, and discuss collaborative solutions for advancing the nation’s digital infrastructure. The conference reinforced our commitment to building a sustainable and thriving community of network operators.

An audience member is asking a question to the panelist.

Looking Ahead: The Future of TLNOG

As we reflect on the success of TLNOG1, we also look to the future with great excitement. TLNOG is committed to building and nurturing a strong network community through various channels, including a mailing list, WhatsApp, and Telegram groups. 

Group photos on the last day, the conference day.

These platforms will serve as hubs for IT professionals and related fields to share ideas, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions. We also have ambitious plans to organize more events like this one on an annual basis, providing ongoing opportunities for learning and professional development. However, the realization of these plans will depend on the continued support of our community, sponsors, and partners.


TLNOG1 was a significant milestone in our journey towards building a more connected and digitally empowered Timor-Leste. It was a collective effort, driven by dedication, collaboration, and a shared vision for the future. As we continue to grow and evolve, we remain committed to fostering a brighter, more connected future for our nation.

Thank you to everyone who played a part in this journey. Together, we are laying the foundation for a future where Timor-Leste stands at the forefront of the global digital landscape.



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